5 Tools to Help Monitor Your Child's Screen Time

May 27 2014 - 1:33pm

These days, it's hard to find a child — toddler or teen — who isn't attached to a tablet or smartphone. In fact, most kids engage in 11 hours of screen time [1] each day. But it isn't just the amount of time kids spend in front of a screen that worries parents. With older children participating in a number of unsafe social media practices [2], parents are also concerned with how kids are spending their time. While there are plenty of steps parents can take [3] to curb their children's use, sometimes they need a little extra help. Here, five apps that help you control your child's screen time.

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Want to control your child's screen time without taking their phone from them? With ParentKit [5] (free), parents can create a usage schedule for multiple devices right from their own phone. ParentKit also allows parents to block any apps that they deem inappropriate for children.

MamaBear Family Safety

The MamaBear app [6] (free) allows parents to track their children's social media use and receive alerts if their child does something they deem inappropriate.

Screen Time — Media Time Manager

Rather than giving your kids money when they complete their chores, why not give out mobile minutes? Screen Time — Media Time Manager [7] ($2) allows parents to assign time allowances for each child and tracks when their minutes are up. This is not only a great way to keep your children safe but to also empower them by letting them decide when to use their minutes.

My Mobile Watchdog

An all-in-one app, My Mobile Watchdog [8] ($5 a month) allows parents to monitor whom their kids contact and when they do so. It also lets parents block content, creating a safer mobile experience. If, however, your child does manage to access blocked content, My Mobile Watchdog notifies you immediately.

Kids Place

Your child may be too young to have their own device, but that doesn't stop them from using yours. Kids Place [9] (free) allows you to create a special kid-friendly screen, which hides any apps that are for Mom's eyes only and keeps them from downloading new ones.

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