11 Moments of Pure Parental Bliss

If there's one thing parents love to do, it's complain about their kids. Don't believe me? Try to go a single day without complaining once. But for all of the complaining we do, one thing's for sure. Our children bring us immeasurable amounts of bliss — the moments are just not as obvious as you might imagine. They're often hidden in our everyday routines. So take a moment, step back, and enjoy the show, because while the moments may be fleeting, you'll bask in their glow long after your child runs off to do something else.

When kids fall asleep on vacation.
Flickr user Antonio Picascia

When kids fall asleep on vacation.

When your child comes over and gives you a hug without an ulterior motive.
Flickr user Maria Grazia Montagnari

When your child comes over and gives you a hug without an ulterior motive.

When your child, unprompted, thanks you for helping him.
Flickr user Leonid Mamchenkov

When your child, unprompted, thanks you for helping him.

When you hear silence and find your child curled up with a book — and it's not homework.
Flickr user ThomasLife

When you hear silence and find your child curled up with a book — and it's not homework.

When another parent tells you how polite/kind/well-mannered your child is.
Flickr user camknows

When another parent tells you how polite/kind/well-mannered your child is.

When your own parents (your child's grandparents) compliment your parenting skills.
Flickr user pawpaw67

When your own parents (your child's grandparents) compliment your parenting skills.

When you make a new recipe and everyone in the family gives it two thumbs-up.
Flickr user Rain0975

When you make a new recipe and everyone in the family gives it two thumbs-up.

When you see your child exhibit good sportsmanship.
Flickr user woodleywonderworks

When you see your child exhibit good sportsmanship.

When you look around your home and realize how lucky you are to be surrounded by the people who are there.
Flickr user CIA DE FOTO

When you look around your home and realize how lucky you are to be surrounded by the people who are there.

When your child brings home a drawing of you, and it is perfectly accurate.
Instagram | giseleofficial

When your child brings home a drawing of you, and it is perfectly accurate.