What It's Really Like to Go Bra Shopping With Your Daughter

Aug 28 2014 - 12:02pm

It's not easy to watch our little girls transform into young women, and nothing signifies that transition more than when they say they're ready for a bra. It's a moment that causes many moms to cry and wonder where the time went. But once you get off that emotional roller coaster, you have to jump on another tear- and scream-inducing ride — buying her first bra [1]. This won't be like any other mother-daughter shopping excursion. This one will be filled with eye rolls, arguments, and, if you're lucky, a little bit of laughter.

Source: Disney [2]

Before leaving the house, you give yourself a little pep talk to get through the day.

You arrive at the store and are overwhelmed by all the mothers and daughters.

You fight the crowds to find a helpful salesperson.

Once you do, the measuring begins!

Source: Wifflegif [3]

You pick out something simple for your girl.

And she hates you for doing that.

But she has other ideas of what she wants.

Source: Bravo [4]

As you watch your daughter, you wonder how you can keep her from growing up.

Source: Apatow Productions [5]

But you know you can't stop time, so you suck it up and buy the lacy bra.

You think you're done dealing with any more awkward adventures for the day.

Source: MTV [6]

Until she asks about going on birth control.

But that's a whole other story.

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