The Danger of Giving Kids Too Many Gifts

May 20 2014 - 8:49am

From birthdays and holidays to "just because" moments, parents often find a way to gift their children with something special. While they mean well, the constant gift giving could be harmful to our kids. In an interview with Oprah, clinical psychologist and parenting expert Dr. Shefali Tsabary says showering children with toys and gadgets creates a materialistic mindset and makes kids greedy.

"We love gadgets, [so] we're just going to think and presume that they're going to love it too," Tsabary, author of The Conscious Parent [1] ($20), says. "We project [that] whatever fills us is going to fill them, but that's not the case. Children don't come into this world longing for things." Rather than handing your child an object, Tsabary suggests giving them an experience and spending some time with them.

"If we could just enter a state of full-on presence and say, 'I will compensate through my presence,' then that could be the most valuable gift you could give your child."

For Dr. Tsabary's tips of gift giving, read the full story on Huffington Post. [2]

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