"I'm So Cranky" Is Our New Mom Anthem

Jun 24 2014 - 12:04pm

Being a mom is hard work, and sometimes the stress of the job makes us a little, well, cranky. Deva Dalporto of MyLifeSuckers [1], the woman behind "Let It Go — a Mom's Parody" [2] and "What Does the Kid Say?" [3], has found a fun way to express her frustrations and let off a little steam. Set to the tune of Iggy Azalea's "Fancy," Dalporto's newest mom-only melody details the daily struggles that can push moms and kids over the edge, from leaving toys on the floor to traipsing dirt in the house. Dalporto isn't the first mom to parody "Fancy"; this pregnancy version [4] also gave us a good laugh! What makes you so cranky?

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