A Little Boy Throws a Party to Say Goodbye to the Family Garbage Man

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Everybody knows that Fridays are the best days, but for 2-year-old Deacon Ross, Friday is his favorite for a reason other than the weekend being kicked off — it's when he gets to hang out with his best friend for a few minutes. Every Friday morning, Deacon eagerly heads outside to see his best and only friend O'dee, the family's garbage collector.

Deacon's mom, Summer, is pregnant with another baby — whom Deacon would like to name O'dee — so the family is moving to a larger home, off of O'dee's garbage route. Though Summer is confident that her son is beginning to understand friendship and loving people outside your family, she's not sure that Deacon truly understands that he may never see O'dee again after they move.

Wanting to help Deacon say goodbye to his friend, they had a little "party" on their last Friday in the old house. Deacon and his older sister took photos with O'dee, Summer made goodie bags, and the pair hugged and fist-bumped. O'dee hadn't realized what a special impression he had made on this little boy until that last Friday morning, but it's obvious that he got a little choked up at finding out that this little man was so taken with him.

Hopefully Deacon and O'dee will get to fist-bump again in the future, but for now, it's goodbye.

This post was originally published on May 29, 2015.