Mom Photographer Is Pushing to See More Disabled Children in Ads

When Katie Driscoll gave birth to her daughter, Grace, four years ago, she was shocked and a little scared to learn that her new child had Down syndrome. Those feelings, however, quickly faded and eventually fueled the mother's mission to change the way society views people with this, and many other, conditions. An avid photographer, Driscoll began taking photos of Grace and asking companies if they would consider featuring her daughter and other disabled children in their ads. One of those business owners, Steve English, also had a disabled child and wanted to work with Driscoll to grow her efforts. In 2012, the two launched Changing the Face of Beauty, an online portfolio of people with disabilities who are available to appear in advertisements. While Changing the Face of Beauty has helped people land modeling jobs, Driscoll says that is not the point of the site. Rather, it is to make society more comfortable with those who are deemed different.

"We are influenced by imagery," Driscoll tells "The more people are exposed to individuals that might be deemed different, the more comfortable they will be and more opportunity will open up for all people living with a disability."

To learn more about Driscoll's mission, read the full story on Source: Facebook user 5 Boys + 1 Girl = 6 Photography By Kate Driscoll