Why the First 5 Years of Fatherhood Can Be the Saddest

Apr 17 2014 - 1:31pm

There's a tough truth to new fatherhood that's rarely discussed, and it comes in the form of depression. While the "baby blues" and postpartum depression are often talked about as concerns for new moms, the reality is, many dads are suffering as well. A new study from the American Association of Pediatrics reports that new fathers are at a 68 percent greater risk [1] than their peers to exhibit symptoms of depression.

While the AAP's report didn't go into detail on the factors that may cause depression among new dads, we can certainly think of a few. With the addition of a new baby, most every relationship is faced with new challenges. There's the sheer lack of attention that the mother of an infant (then toddler, then preschooler . . . ) is able to bestow upon her partner, new financial stressors, frustration at feeling inadequate, and many others.

If you're concerned that you or your partner may be suffering from depression, check out this list of symptoms, and take action [2]. Your entire family deserves to be happy.

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