We Wish This Were a Prank: Pregnant Meteorologist Called "Gross" and Compared to Hindenburg

It's one of the most annoying parts of being pregnant — the way strangers feel entitled to comment on your body. Even well-intentioned statements ("You're so big!") can send moms-to-be down a shame spiral. But when the comments are truly malicious, it's hard to even imagine how you'd react. One such woman, a meteorologist for Global B.C. News in Canada, received "shocking, vicious" hate mail from many of the station's viewers regarding her weight gain.

Some of their hateful, demeaning comments?

"Nowhere on North America TV have we seen a weather reader so gross as you."

"Your front end looks like the Hindenburg and your rear-end looks like a brick sh*thouse. We now turn off Global."

"Looser tops would look much more professional."

"Buy some decent clothes and have more respect for your unborn child."

As if that's not bad enough, Kristi Gordon had actually asked viewers to "please be nice" when she first announced she was expecting. Turns out the same thing happened the last time she was pregnant.

"We were expecting this, because it happened to me [before]," Gordon said of the body-shaming. "As I got bigger, I started getting more and more bad notes and emails from people."

This time, however, with the help of her coanchors, she took her bullies to task on the air, but not before admitting that — try as she might — their negativity did get to her.

It's hard for us to believe there are grown adults out there who not only think such things but also take the time to put pen to paper and send their hate to a complete stranger. For what it's worth, we think Gordon looks absolutely gorgeous. She should certainly be able to feel gorgeous too.