Is reality TV your guilty pleasure of choice? If so, you've come to the right place. Almost as much fun as gossiping about the latest episode of Real Housewives of (Fill In the Blank) with your girlfriends, our reality TV mom quiz will show you which star of the silver screen you're most aligned with. Are you a Kourtney, a Tori, a Kris, or a Ramona? Answer just a few quick questions to find out!

How many kids do you have (or want to have)?

One and done
I'll take two
Three for me
Keep the babies coming
Four's my magic number
The more the merrier!

What's your dream job?

Fashion designer
Wine maker
The next Martha Stewart
Volunteering for my place of worship
Running the family business

Pick a color:

What's the first thing you grab for a day at the beach?

What's your favorite dessert?

Workout time! You pick:

Barry's Bootcamp
A barre class
A jog (with the double stroller)
Your personal trainer

What are you reading?