15 Signs You're Turning Into Your Mother

Dec 23 2015 - 11:24am

No matter how amazing our moms are, there is something scary about turning into them. And, as with most makeovers, it is not an overnight transformation. It starts with something simple, like calling your son by his sister's name or saying, "I'll turn this car around." You eventually pick up more peculiar mannerisms and take on some of her personality traits, both the good and the bad, until you are the mirror image of mommy dearest. The worst part — it can start as early as your 20s! Not sure if your transformation has begun? Check out some of the telltale signs.

You don't understand the newest social media trend.

Source: A&E [1]

You insist on feeding every person who steps into your home.

You not only love using coupons but organizing them too!

Source: TLC [2]

You don't recognize any of the celebrities on magazine covers.

Source: Glamour [3]

You refuse to go anywhere college kids hang out.

You remind people to grab a jacket before leaving the house.

Your kids call your choice in music, movies, and TV shows "lame."

Source: Bravo [4]

You become a bit more judgmental.

Source: Warner Bros. Television [5]

You say, "Because I said so."

And other cliché mom quotes [6].

You sneak sugar, creamer, and other items into your purse when you go to restaurants.

Source: Wiffle Gif [7]

You hate the idea of eating dinner after 6 p.m.

Source: New Line Cinema [8]

You can't keep your kids' names straight.

Source: New Line Cinema [9]

You shove tissues up your sleeve, even if you don't have a cold.

Source: A&E [10]

You won't let even the tiniest amount of food go to waste.

You give people the finger — the pointer finger.

Source: Wiffle Gif [11]

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