What to Expect When Your Baby Is Teething

Jun 3 2014 - 3:00am

It's a whole new world once your little one gets his first tooth, which is why we partnered with Aquafresh to bring you this post on how to handle it all.

Just when your little one finally started sleeping through the night, she seems superfussy and frustrated — and there's a whole lot of drool happening. Welcome to teething! Most babes start popping teeth around 6 months, but each child is unique, so you might not start seeing baby teeth until around 9 months. Not sure what to do? Here's what to expect when your baby starts cutting teeth:

There Will Be Gnawing

Along with shoving pretty much anything she can find into her mouth, there will be lots of drool. Be prepared with extra burp cloths for cleaning faces (including your own) and toys made for teething tots [1]. You can even DIY [2] your own teething necklace [3] to keep your little one from chewing on you. It's totally natural for your babe to want to gum something, which creates counter pressure, relieving the aching pain.

Fussy, Fussy!

Along with sore gums, your babe might be a bit more fussy than normal — which can lead to middle-of-the-night wake-ups. Some little ones might have a slight fever and runny nose when teething kicks in, which is totally normal. You might also find your child pulling at her ears or biting and redness or a rash around the mouth due to excessive drool. But a fever isn't always associated with teething. If your child has a fever of over 102ºF, has a rash that extends all over his body, or has other symptoms that concern you, call your pediatrician right away

Time Frame

On average, the suffering starts around three days before each tooth pokes through, with the most severe pain before the tooth breaks skin. But that's for each tooth, which means the frustration of teething can go on (and off) and on again for several months. You'll see the front teeth come in first, with back teeth following in later months. Most little ones have central and lateral incisors by 16 to 18 months, with back molars starting to pop between 22 and 24 months of age.

What to Do?

Have no fear, there are lots of ways to ease your little one's pain [4] while she's cutting teeth. Teething rings are a life saver, offering your little one something to gnaw on while soothing — especially ones you can toss in the freezer. Another big helper? Frozen foods such as bananas, celery sticks, and teething biscuits. For an easy and healthy solution, make your own frozen teething pops [5]. You can also find over-the-counter teething gel and medications, but it's a good idea to check with your pediatrician before using.

Final Teething Thoughts

It's heartbreaking to see your little one in pain, and when you've tried everything, you might find yourself going a bit crazy, too. But remember, this is another big milestone for your little one, so take a deep breath and offer her lots and lots of love. All moms have gone through this with their babe, so make sure to reach out for help and support when needed. Before you know it, she'll be losing those teeth and getting new ones all over again!

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