You Know You're Raising a Teen When . . .

Jan 25 2015 - 10:38am

The big day has finally arrived. Your adorable, sweet child has turned into an angsty, sarcastic teenager. Unfortunately, no one has written What To Expect When You're Expecting a Teen, leaving you clueless and, to be honest, a little scared. We wish we could tell you the teen years will be fun and filled with joy, but then we'd be lying. Find out what you have to look forward to for the next seven years (it's more than pimples and periods [1]).

Your child has gone from someone sweet to someone scary.

Source: Muse Productions [2]

Suddenly, you're to blame for everything.

Source: Disney [3]

Learn what else to expect when raising a teen.

You no longer hear "I love you."

Source: Paramount Pictures [4]

In fact, she's replaced all words with body language.

Source: Bravo [5]

She starts exhibiting some . . . questionable behavior.

Source: MTV [6]

Since he no longer talks to you, you resort to drastic measures.

Source: ABC [7]

So you try to connect.

Source: Paramount Pictures [8]

But that tends to backfire.

Source: Warner Bros. [9]

Despite all that, she still loves you and you love her.

Source: Warner Bros. [10]

And when times get tough, remember: he'll be in college soon.

Source: Fox [11]

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