Every household has its own approach to the holidays. In some, occasions like Valentine's Day mean weeks of preparation, with trips to the craft store, dedicated Pinterest boards, and afternoons in the kitchen with sleeves rolled up and clothes covered in flour. In other homes, a stop by the drugstore for a package of fill-in-the-blank valentines is a more realistic (and still totally sufficient!) approach.

With Valentine's Day coming up at the end of this week, we're wondering how it all shakes out in your house. Whether you're a super-duper DIY type, or prefer to keep it simple, we want to know who actually creates the valentines for your kids' classes.

Is there an annual argument over whether the responsibility belongs to mom or the kids? Do they do it willingly? Or have you resigned to being the resident creator of greetings and holiday merriment in your household? Do tell by weighing in in our poll below!

Image Source: Thinkstock