11 Types of Young Moms You Will Meet

Young moms are in a league all their own. They might be balancing jobs (and social media accounts), but they keep an open mind when it comes to parenting styles and see the journey of motherhood as a difficult but ultimately rewarding experience (and don't we all?). If you're a millennial mother yourself, then you can relate to how much society has changed since your own parents raised you. Because young moms (and those young at heart) number in the millions, we went looking for the most recognizable ones. Which of these types of new moms have you met before?

The Snapchat Mom

The Snapchat Mom

By the first month you know everything about little Henry, from his food allergies to a butt rash, thanks to his mom’s constant stream of photos and status updates. If you didn't share a photo of your baby on Instagram or Facebook, did you even really have one?

The Trendy Mom

The Trendy Mom

Burberry, Zara, J.Crew . . . you name it, and this mom has it for her baby. She cares about looking fashion forward, and her baby is no exception. Plus, a pricey-yet-cute onesie is totally worth it for those extra Instagram likes.

The Ladder-Climbing Mom

The Ladder-Climbing Mom

She may run a blog dedicated to her loves (because #familygoals) or work a 9-to-5 office job, but either way, this mama is all about her career. She had her child early so she could stay one step ahead of the game.

The Duggar Mom

The Duggar Mom

She’s the first one in your group of friends to have a baby because she wants a giant family. She has a timeline of when babies two and three will arrive and is happiest being the best soccer mom she can be.

The Mom Who Only Hangs Out With Nonmoms

The Mom Who Only Hangs Out With Nonmoms

She doesn't necessarily fit in with the older mothers in the playgroup and instead confides in her siblings and BFFs who might not have kids. They keep her feeling sane, and that's what counts.

The iPhone-Sharing Mom

The iPhone-Sharing Mom

Millennial moms are tech savvy, so naturally, their kids are too. There's no counting how many times she was able to get a little "me time" while her child played with an iPhone.

The Double-Duty Mom

The Double-Duty Mom

Between night classes and a part-time job, she is making it work while raising her newborn. With some help and little sleep, this mom is stressed out of her mind but wouldn't trade her child for the world.

The Former Wild Child Mom
Warner Bros.

The Former Wild Child Mom

She used to fall asleep next to her tequila shot but now falls asleep next to a baby monitor. Her priorities have changed drastically since she gave birth, and she's better for it. But that still doesn't mean she can't party with the best of them when an appropriate moment arises.

The Single Mom

The Single Mom

She's raising the baby all on her own and serves as inspiration to mothers everywhere. This mom is strong, empathetic, and optimistic, though she would appreciate a break every once in a while.

The Still-in-School Mom

The Still-in-School Mom

This mom is a tough cookie and realizes the difficult journey she has ahead of her but will take it in stride, knowing there's a big-time payoff when she graduates. She's young and a quick learner with unwavering optimism.

The Semi-Health-Conscious Mom

The Semi-Health-Conscious Mom

Her child only drinks from 100 percent plant-based and sustainably sourced baby bottles, and you can bet those veggies are all organic. But as for her meal? A little junk food never hurt anybody, OK?