This Fourth Grader's Response to Her Homework Assignment Is Girl Power at Its Finest

Another school day, another ridiculous Common Core homework assignment that is sure to send parents into a full-on mental tailspin. The latest head-scratcher comes from Jenn Douglas, the mother of fourth-grade student Maddy, who was filling out a worksheet when she reached a complex question about the dating patterns of a group of high schoolers.

Clearly shocked by the nature of the question, Jenn decided to give her daughter an education on the importance of a topic other than math: girl code.

"I cant [sic] aswer [sic] this problem because my mom says acoording [sic] to girl code you shoudent [sic] date a friends [sic] x boyfriend," Maddy wrote beneath the problem.

To drive the point home, Jenn posted the assignment to her Facebook page with equally choice words and a #girlcodetrumpscommoncore hashtag:

"My daughter's answer to a problem on her 4TH GRADE math problem last night. . . . I was NOT happy about this at ALL. I don't care if they prefaced it with 'In High School'. Still not appropriate."

Although most Common Core assignments that go viral do so because they are seemingly impossible to solve, this is the latest in a new trend of questions that seem, frankly, inappropriate for young students. Why even tackle the subject matter surrounding dating multiple people when so many more innocent scenarios are available?