The Incredibles 2 Trailer Includes a Common Core Math Mention That Is. So. Good.

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The first official trailer for the long-awaited Incredibles 2 movie aired during the Winter Olympics last night, and it's as if they wrote it for parents, not their kids.

The newest installment, set immediately following the end of the 2004 original, finds Mr. "Bob" Incredible setting aside his superhero alter ego to be a stay-at-home dad while his wife, Elastigirl, goes full-time into the caped-crusading workforce (how very 2018!).

But the bit that had us wondering just how many frustrated parents were in the writers' room for this movie was when Bob helps his son with his math homework. His common core math homework.

"I don't know that way," he says. "Why would they change math? Math is math. MATH IS MATH."

If that doesn't get moms and dads of elementary schoolers on their feet applauding, there's also a scene with a certain Dr. Seuss book to which all parents can humbly relate.

Done properly, parenting is a heroic act indeed!