This Mom Was Asked to Breastfeed a Stranger's Baby And Didn't Think Twice About It

On a random Friday night, Rebecca Wanosik received a text message that was completely unexpected. It was from a friend asking if she would consider nursing a stranger's baby.

While some might pause at such an unusual request, Rebecca immediately agreed. The baby's mom was having surgery, and not only is that child exclusively breastfed, but Rebecca also learned that the little one refused a bottle. "When the baby arrived you could tell she was hungry and exhausted and just needed some milk," Rebecca shared with Breastfeeding Mama Talk's Facebook page. "I did what I hope any person would do for my child in a time of despair."

For Rebecca, the most surprising thing about this situation wasn't that she found herself nursing someone else's child alongside her own; it was other's reactions and claims that what she was doing was unnatural or weird. "They are boobs; they are meant to feed babies. Also, in case anyone forgot, they are mine, so I'm fairly certain I choose what happens with them," Rebecca wrote. "Regardless, I took an amazing photo tandem nursing these two babies together, and it shows that hungry babies don't care; they just need to be fed."